It was a bold, overtly theatrical reading, a long way from Stravinsky's own formalist tendencies but at least initially effective on its own terms.
She has also participated in theatrical readings of Luck!
Two of television's most meaningful productions this Christmas week take the now almost quaint form of theatrical readings.
He is also Ireland's most prominent Joycean, giving dozens of lectures and theatrical readings annually here and abroad.
There is a long tradition of theatrical readings of both of them, by single actors or groups.
So Cafes provide the opportunity for individuals and groups to initiate many different forms - street science, comedy, music, theatrical readings, dancing, demonstration, etc.
Particularly in Mr. Hadley's theatrical readings, several of these songs sounded as though they might thrive in jazz arrangements.
Vincent Price, as the discarded lover, gives a theatrical reading to the courtroom scenes as the district attorney.
Last winter, an independent producer approached me after a theatrical reading I gave and proposed making my particular take on the world into a television show.
A free three-day indoor and outdoor festival featuring theatrical readings, music and dance.