The theft of materials and supplies from the school board never happened in one large sum, rather over a period of 10 years on a small scale.
The theft of the mountain bicycle happened at 5pm as the student was cycling along Princes Avenue in Toxteth.
Scotland Yard said the theft happened last Wednesday in South Kensington.
So, when a theft happens in a moneylender's shop, everyone around is baffled.
"The theft happened despite Ferma's use of a one-time password, a six-digit code issued by a small electronic device every 30 or 60 seconds."
These requirements have to do with the theft, what was stolen, and how the theft happened.
The grand jury said Mayor Goode and other city officials were largely to blame for allowing the thefts to happen.
"The theft happened offshore, a long way from here."
Later when Jagga was released and came back home, a theft incident happened in the nearby village of Bhai Pheru.
A perfect theft, sure enough, if nobody knew it happened.