While there is a semblance of a thematic design - overlapping love songs, money songs, moon songs, April songs - it is too schematic and trivial to support such classy material.
Elizabeth and Gideon have been reduced to instruments of their creator's thematic design.
This lovely melody follows first one pattern, then another, without establishing a precise thematic design.
In 2005, the park was awarded for "Outstanding Achievement in thematic creative design" by the Themed Entertainment Association.
Her main achievement was the thematic and interior design the SandCastle Entertainment Complex, a $40 million dinner theater and nightclub facility located in the center of Guam's thriving tourist district.
The user interface and the thematic design used for the app is clutter-free and classy at the same time.
In 1980 he worked with N. John Habraken in The Grunsfeld Variations, a research project dealing with the thematic design of urban tissues.
Poledouris became renowned for his "powerfully epic style" of orchestral composition and "intricate thematic designs".
Godwin's autobiography-derived fiction yields to her protagonists as well as to thematic and dramatic design.
Partly this is by thematic design; Mr. Iyer, in his other projects, has trafficked in sharp social commentary.