Within a short time, this theme became famous all over the world, and even received attention in the American Billboard charts.
The artist, who is called Maestro by nearly everyone, would learn just how common the theme had become after he asked the friend for $1,500.
The other two themes were less important in the circular but have become more important in the past 5 years.
Environmental themes are also becoming a factor in international cinema.
The main themes of David Cameron's 'big society' - chief among them personal responsibility - are becoming clear.
The earliest episodes only hinted at how rich and tangled its themes would become.
His dominant theme then becomes "a tuneful, forward moving piece".
"But when they cast Robert Redford, the theme became that money can buy you love."
Although the themes still focus primarily on separation and love, she added, social themes are becoming more common.
In October, a common theme with news events became "world environmental protection is everyone's responsibility".