He occasionally holds courses on themes drawn from extensive interests.
It makes sense that the last painting in "Landscape Into History" is on a theme drawn from Aeschylus' "Prometheus Bound."
From that period onward, his interest turned to religious and mystical themes, drawn from mostly Christian, but also Jewish and Muslim traditions.
Lorwyn is the setting of the Lorwyn and Morningtide card sets, its theme drawn from Celtic myths.
The gallery focuses on art with themes drawn from Jewish history, the Hebrew Bible, and the Land of Israel.
Much of Mariga's work includes themes drawn from the culture of the Shona people, and incorporates subject matter taken from nature.
It abounds in themes and ideas drawn from the folk-poetry of the time.
Mr. Yovel argues that these modern thinkers all share or reflect several important themes or projects drawn from Spinoza.
The contrast drawn between their age and unattractiveness and the ardour of their perceived passion is a theme drawn from classical farce.
Pop art has themes and techniques drawn from popular mass culture, such as advertising and comic books.