No overall theme prevails in the exhibition.
Yet despite the contemporary backdrop, traditional themes prevail; Binchy neatly demonstrates that love, not money, is ultimately what binds a family.
A short, basic theme expressed in different timbres prevails.
The same themes prevailed into the 1970s and beyond:
As in past election years, when issues like the economy, civil rights and the Reagan record dominated Congressional races, no themes prevailed nationwide this year.
The theme prevails throughout baseball, and spring training has hardly begun.
A corny Aztec theme prevails, but at least you can dance without skidding around in puddles of beer.
"The universal themes prevail," she said.
Now a "theme of learn as we go" prevails at the centers, Dr. Gerberding said.
A similar theme prevailed is his satirical comic book, The True History of the Indies, in 1968.