The main theme of Meihua Sannong, for example, uses this.
Many theme and extension developers use MozillaZine to host support threads for their own projects.
Every 'theme' for a game uses the accordion in some capacity.
All but two of the movements include themes using tone rows, which he uses to convey a sense of the abstract.
The second subject theme uses syncopations and has a dance-like character.
The opening theme of the first movement was used in the song "Asia Minor", a top-ten pop hit from 1961.
On the show, he let the audience vote which theme to use for each of his movies based upon characters from the show.
The biggest question among consultants is which themes each party will use as the election nears.
The first theme of the piece uses a simple but effective melody, conveying a sad portrait, with decorative ornaments used throughout.
Another common theme is taking facts about the computational universe as a whole and using them to reason about fields in a holistic way.