Pressure from the theocratic regime to dissolve future activities by the union was largely unsuccessful.
It does pose a danger to the malign, bellicose theocratic regime in Tehran.
The theocratic regime had blatantly stolen the presidential election and was intent on "destroying the people of Iran's will for freedom and democracy".
Even the leader of a theocratic regime, who believes himself to carry a divine right to rule, resorts to the old comforting refrain.
The government is a theocratic totalitarian regime run by Mother (Ma) Baxter.
But he soon understood that the theocratic regime was not on the way to bring democracy and freedom to the Iranian people.
Violations of human rights by the theocratic regime is said by some to be worse than during the monarchy, and in any case extremely grave.
Is it likely to turn Palestine into a new theocratic, fundamentalist regime?
The majority of the victims of the theocratic regime in Iran are unknown.
I cannot imagine that we might have a theocratic regime in Iraq like the one in Iran.