At the age of 55, in 1958, he finally received his theological degree.
The University granted graduate theological degrees as well as undergraduate degrees until the spring of 1971.
The seminary has conferred theological degrees since its inception.
He achieved his theological degree in 1784.
Boyd has no formal theological degree.
He started theological studies at Copenhagen University in 1713 and got his theological degree two years later, 18 years old.
He was educated as a Lutheran clergyman and in 1745 took a theological degree at the University of Copenhagen.
In the early 13005 the mendicants at Paris held up the theological degree of a Picard plebanus known to be hostile to them.
"As such," she said, "it may discourage young scholars from pursuing theological degrees or from seeking teaching positions in Catholic colleges and universities."
Beyond this, he has no formal training or theological degree.