But "Renato's Luck," Jeff Shapiro's first novel, threatens to take the cake, at least theologically speaking.
Theologically speaking these symbols are a key to understanding of the Holy Spirit and his actions, and are not mere artistic representations.
They met each day except Sundays, their first task to explore the state of the kingdom and determine the way it should be led in the future, theologically speaking.
The empty tomb was, in his opinion, an unnecessary hypothesis, since "an eschatological, bodily resurrection, theologically speaking, has nothing to do, however, with a corpse."
Theologically speaking, anyone who is ordained remains a priest forever.
And did it make any difference, theologically speaking, whether he knew or not?
It is also her intention to speak theologically.
Theologically speaking, it was enough.
These islands have always been so unremarkable, heroically and theologically speaking, that I never for one moment imagined that the Volsung line might be found here.
You are, theologically speaking, a demon.