In producing this new empirical information, the project will also clarify two current theoretical debates.
The theoretical debate has concentrated on organization and form but it is only more recently that film historians have actually raised the question of audiences.
You're probably familiar with the theoretical debate about time travel.
This isn't a theoretical debate or a war of words.
This in turn led to practical changes for civil society that went on to influence the theoretical debate.
At the same time, this is an area of considerable theoretical debate, disagreement and, many would argue, confusion.
Experts said both the threat of such developments and the federal response seemed part of a theoretical debate, not something to worry about for now.
So far, that's prevented the organization from losing itself too much in theoretical debate or argument.
By the end of the 1980s it was becoming increasingly difficult to bridge the deeper theoretical debates and more current analysis within one publication.
He emphasized the need to avoid general theoretical debates and instead focus on understanding specific problems.