Harald Ulrik Sverdrup (15 November 1888 - 21 August 1957) was a Norwegian oceanographer and meteorologist who made a number of important theoretical discoveries in these fields.
While an important theoretical discovery, the AKS network has little or no practical application because of the large linear constants hidden by the Big-O notation.
It is merely a practical appliance," said Dr. Ferris pleasantly, "based upon your theoretical discoveries.
The Gruber Foundation Cosmology Prize honors a leading cosmologist, astronomer, astrophysicist or scientific philosopher for theoretical, analytical or conceptual discoveries leading to a fundamental advances in the field.
It is simply your experience... Likewise, cessation is not just a theoretical discovery, but an experience that is very real to you-a sudden gain.
Remarkable theoretical discoveries, if they end up being used at all, play their part in maintaining the growth rate: they do not make its plotted curve... redundant.
That would be a wonderful theoretical discovery, but tell me more of practical aspects.
Weizsäcker made important theoretical discoveries regarding energy production in stars from nuclear fusion processes.
The soviets, for example, were not a theoretical discovery; and, to go back even farther, the highest theoretical truth attained by the International Workingmen's Association was its own existence in practice.
Studies using numerical methods have led to numerous improvements in algorithms and several theoretical discoveries.