It is responsible for laying the theoretical groundwork for the political process model for sociological theory.
A lot of the theoretical groundwork has already been formulated, but new insights in this area await discovery.
Though different in approach, both the Canadian and Danish projects share the same aim - to lay the theoretical groundwork for what engineers call an "intelligent" loudspeaker.
Importantly, while this text certainly lays the theoretical groundwork for musical formalism, formal analysis is something that Hanslick himself never did.
Likewise, the theoretical groundwork done on the Sänger Silbervogel would prove seminal to lifting body designs in the space age.
It turned out that mathematicians had already laid the necessary theoretical groundwork for wavelets analysis.
During the 1950s and 1960s, much of the theoretical groundwork necessary for numerical descriptions of wave evolution was laid.
Sir John laid the theoretical groundwork for renewal of the theory with his major work, "Value and Capital," in 1939.
Including the theoretical groundwork of Non-standard analysis.
"Wesley did all the theoretical groundwork when he was first doing his experiments."