It is a record in digital format that is theoretically capable of being shared across different health care settings.
A more advanced system would be deployed by 2018, and another generation, theoretically capable of shooting down intercontinental missiles, by 2020.
The car is theoretically capable of reaching speeds of up to 250 mph.
Theoretically capable of increasing the numerical aperture of an optical system by .
The term "tachypomp" refers to a fictional device theoretically capable of attaining infinite speed.
As we show in chapter 5, exit barriers make multinationals less mobile in practice than they are theoretically capable of being.
Nevertheless it was - theoretically capable of affecting super-fine structure.
Some of those locomotives, built by Ansaldo, were theoretically capable of speeds up to 150 km/h.
"The difference," MC 3 continued angrily, "is that this unit is theoretically capable of using the same system to create time travel."
"They make this system theoretically capable of sending microscopic targets backward in time."