A non-official description, but more theoretically correct according to classic heraldry would be:
You may be theoretically correct, Richard, but some things, for all practical purposes, are so far beyond our understanding that they appear to be driven by happenstance-like the rain.
Inharmonicity requires that octaves be stretched, or tuned to a lower octave's corresponding sharp overtone rather than to a theoretically correct octave.
But a theoretically correct position can, as we saw in the aftermath of the 2000 election, injure innocent bystanders.
In money play, the theoretically correct play would never vary based on the score or the value of the doubling cube.
These outcomes lead to two theories for the game, the induction (game theoretically correct version) and the deterrence theory (weakly dominated theory):
But West led the heart king, theoretically correct, and South won with the ace.
You are theoretically correct, Lieutenant.
The change in the luma coefficients is to provide the "theoretically correct" coefficients that reflect the corresponding standard chromaticities ('colors') of the primaries red, green, and blue.
Which of them was theoretically correct history does not record.