The occupants made all the citizens theoretically equal under the law for the first time.
The army had had no ranks during the civil war and Korea, since in Marxist doctrine everyone was theoretically equal.
While blacks are theoretically equal before the law, anti-apartheid leaders contend that the legal system is heavily loaded in favor of whites.
He also allowed Muslims to serve in the military and civil service on theoretically equal terms and allowed them to migrate to France.
Women in my society are theoretically equal to men, but none, not even in the upper classes, ever can reach a level of decision making, policy making.
He clearly wasn't used to be answered back, and besides, Han Ch'in was theoretically his equal in rank.
While theoretically equal, the male leaders represent the organization more often.
As an agent of the Turkish government Zangi's authority was theoretically equal to Mitkhal's.
The division of property was theoretically equal among siblings, but in practice the oldest child might inherit more.
Celie would far rather be unequal in a warm, dry house, than theoretically equal, starving in the winter streets.