So some theorists speculated that the periodic gravitational kick of Jupiter might account for the missing asteroids, but calculations failed to demonstrate this idea.
This was the first experimental observation consistent with the theory that the neutrino has non-zero mass, a possibility that theorists had speculated about for years.
Dr. Nahmias said some theorists speculated that paralysis during rapid eye movement sleep had evolved to prevent people from reacting to their dreams.
Some theorists, however, have speculated on what they consider suitable pre-conditions, and basic mechanisms that might have been important driving forces.
Some theorists have speculated that many people may never reach this level of abstract moral reasoning.
The Higgs Field, theorists speculate, interacts with material objects in such a way as to give them mass and the stronger the interaction is, the more massive the object.
Military theorists of the era, including the Royal Navy prior to the First World War, had speculated about building a "fighting-machine" or a "land dreadnought".
Studies showed HH objects were highly ionised, and early theorists speculated they might contain low-luminosity hot stars.
Some theorists speculate that strings, wiggling in 10 or more dimensions, give rise to all the particles of creation, as well as space and time themselves.
Although theorists had speculated about the existence and possible properties of silicene, researchers first observed silicon structures that were suggestive of silicene in 2010.