The expression Geneva School refers to (1) a group of linguists based in Geneva who pioneered modern structural linguistics and (2) a group of literary theorists and critics working from a phenomenological perspective.
At least two theorists working separately have concluded precisely this: The Jews are surviving Neanderthals.
But in 1984, theorists and experimenters, working independently, exploded this assumption.
Some theorists working in this area refer to themselves as phenomenologists and they may use the tools of quantum field theory and effective field theory.
Scholars seem to agree that Einstein's theory did not achieve this goal, but the idea continues to haunt the work of theorists working to marry Einstein's gravity to quantum mechanics.
Zygmunt Bauman, a Polish-born sociologist and perhaps one of the most renowned theorists working today, was forced to flee to England in 1971 due to an anti-Semitic government campaign.
Dr. Wynne trained as a psychoanalyst during his time at the institute, and his work - together with that of other theorists working independently - helped establish family therapy approaches.
Many of the theorists working with A.Q. Khan were unsure that either gaseous and enriched uranium would be feasible on time.
The theorists working on it are the smartest ones on earth, and they've been working on it for 15 years.
The interventionist monetary and fiscal policies that the orthodox post-war economics recommended came under attack in particular by a group of theorists working at the University of Chicago, which came to be known as the Chicago School.