Wellek would continue to use the theories contained in Theory of Literature into the late 1980s.
Specifically, the theory contains the following four tenets in its hypotheses:
The theory of evolution contained within the work shook many of the ideas the Victorians had about themselves and their place in the world.
The theory contains Q-ball solutions if there are any values of at which the potential is less than .
This theory does not contain any numbers whose values can be adjusted.
In this case, one says that the theory contains an anomaly.
A full theory governing these has yet to be developed but the articles relating to these contain some of the most recent thoughts.
Unlike quantum mechanics, the more complete theory contains variables corresponding to all the "elements of reality".
All theories, however, contain various problems, and the traditional identification remains in standard use today.
On the other hand, it should be noted that the special theory of relativity contains no notion of information at all.