These theories derived from the four element theory.
An alternative theory, considered less likely, derives Polh from the name Pavel 'Paul'.
The theory derives a version of X-bar theory.
I think the theory derives from the familiar prejudice against intelligence, which holds that people who are too smart must be limited in other ways.
The theory united the spiritual and the temporal power in one subject, and derived the combined authority from the direct and immediate delegation of God.
A less likely theory derives the name from *Marijin 'Mary's', referring to the pilgrimage church above the settlement.
More controversial theories about behavioural momentum derive from quantum physics and quantum field theory.
The theory behind the revival of the weapon derived from the fact that, in the period around 1860, armour held superiority over the ship-mounted cannon.
Another theory derives the name from the district of Ludhiana, supposing it the Lodhi homeland.