Some propositions, on this view, are neither true nor false, and thus such a theory of meaning entails a rejection of the law of the excluded middle.
The novel acknowledges that evolutionary theory entails that humanity is not the end, but only a step in the process.
Simply, to be scientific, a theory must entail at least one observation, which may or may not be the case.
Establishing that this normative theory entails pragmatism (or vice-versa) remains an open challenge.
His book Ideology and Mass Culture is a study of what the theory of ideology entails in modern society.
The "father" is really a "mother" trapped in a "father's" body, the theory entailed.
The more truths that a theory entails (other things being equal) the closer it is to the truth.
Russell argues that Meinong's theory entails conclusions such as "the present King of France" both exists and does not exist.
According to Sullivan (2001), the theory of cultural reproduction entails three fundamental propositions:
The notion that theory entailed critique also stemmed from post-structural literary studies.