One leading theory, espoused by Dr. Musto, is that drug use runs in cycles.
The theory espoused by Long supporters was "one man, one gun, one bullet" with the bullet entering Long's abdomen and exiting through the back.
It was one of the more entertaining theories espoused by scientists more often known for dull, boring conjecture.
All the lawsuits noted that the theories espoused by Mr. Hendrickson and his customers "have been uniformly and repeatedly rejected by the federal courts."
This was along the lines of the racial theories espoused by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler.
I like the theory espoused in the 1960s by the British essayist Clive James.
Despite these losses, this strategy gave rise to the Lovemarks philosophy - a theory espoused in a book by the same name released by Roberts.
He also established a newspaper to promote Distributism, the Catholic economic theory espoused by Chesterton and Belloc.
The extreme empiricism of Series a closely mirrors some of the theories espoused by Locke and Bacon.
This has left the impression that democracy and free enterprise naturally lead to political chaos and economic exploitation - precisely the theory espoused in Soviet textbooks.