Yet another theory implicates environmental toxins.
A recent theory implicated adulteration with aniline, a common but highly toxic industrial chemical.
Psychosocial theories implicate projection of negative internal feelings and parental modeling.
Currently popular theories implicate the basal ganglia primarily in action selection, that is, the decision of which of several possible behaviors to execute at a given time.
Polio does not explain many of the described symptoms, however, and a more recent theory implicates cerebral palsy as the cause, as outlined by Ernestine Leon.
A new theory implicates deterioriation of white matter under the cortex of the brain, leading to an inability to coordinate vision, the sensations in the inner ear and the feet.
Other theories implicate the prefrontal cortex.
Another theory implicates the vaccine preservative thimerosal, which con-tains a form of mercury known as ethylmercury.
One theory of the extinction of Australian megafauna implicates the ecological disturbance caused by fire-stick farming.
Other theories implicate Libya and Abu Nidal, and apartheid South Africa.