Several efforts are currently aimed at relating this pathway to other signaling pathways and to manipulate it in a therapeutic context.
Pharmacology developed in the 19th century as a biomedical science that applied the principles of scientific experimentation to therapeutic contexts.
This Buddhist understanding of mind can be used in practical ways to create interventions which will facilitate psychological change in therapeutic and other contexts.
TH: In our film, the F-word is used in a therapeutic context.
Moreover, many phobias are actually examples of social anxiety, which are seemingly impossible to replicate in a therapeutic context.
Equal prudence should be used whether dependence has occurred in therapeutic or recreational contexts.
Q: Can you tell me some of the ways that these economic displacements manifest themselves in the therapeutic context?
Q: I have a question that's far off topic: How and to what extent do religious issues or concerns arise in the therapeutic context?
This experience may have contributed to Erickson's technique of using "ordeals" in a therapeutic context.
It places a greater emphasis on the therapeutic context and returns to the use of in-session reinforcement.