Psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy are recommended as a first line therapy for panic disorder; benzodiazepine use has been found to interfere with therapeutic gains from these therapies.
Warmth, genuine empathy, and unconditional positive regard are necessary to foster therapeutic gain (Rogers, 1961) within motivational interviewing.
There was, noted an editorial in the journal Nature, "a dearth of new drugs" with only a small proportion offering "even modest therapeutic gain".
That made a nice kat lamp, but there wasn't much therapeutic gain I could see - she still doesn't want my delightful bricks.
VIG (Video Interaction Guidance), an interactive method to increase mother-child attachment and other therapeutic gains.
Thus, breast-cancer death rates have changed little over the last half century, since for the population as a whole the therapeutic gains have been all but balanced by the increase in cases.
She also warned that one of the major therapeutic gains so far was threatened because there are signs that the virus is developing resistance to AZT.
Based on the reports of Miyatake, Kawabata, and Yamamoto, it appears that combining BNCT with an X-ray boost can produce a significant therapeutic gain.
Can any of this be harnessed for therapeutic gain?
These and many other impressive therapeutic gains represent the handsome payoff of what medicine calls clinical trials.