Many studies have shown that pharmacist counseling and intervention can reduce adverse drug reactions, improve therapeutic outcomes and reduce health care costs.
The therapeutic outcome is difficult to assess in patients with the chronic atrophic phase, in which many changes are only partially reversible.
If there are no interactions and it is safe to take, it is important to be compliant for better a therapeutic outcome.
Retrospective studies have demonstrated that the number of lymph nodes examined in colon and rectal surgery may be associated with therapeutic outcome.
There are many, primarily psychological, explanations for positive therapeutic outcomes such as the placebo effect or cognitive dissonance.
Report on a therapeutic outcome or outcomes, such as tumor response, improvement in survival, or measured improvement in quality of life.
She considered the specific individuals present as an important variable in therapeutic outcome and sometimes conducted sessions in group settings.
It makes exact therapeutic outcomes impossible to forecast.
These can be described as moments of intersubjective emotional relatedness and are, in Stern's opinion, necessary for positive therapeutic outcome.
All modalities are used with the specific purpose of achieving a therapeutic outcome.