"Thai Princess" had excellent therapeutic qualities, and I was pain free for the rest of the afternoon.
It is believed to have therapeutic qualities and has been noted in the West as a traditional form of psychotherapy.
Just neutralize your therapeutic qualities, remove your ability to think, and give you to the soldier boys.
Adolescents may listen to music for its therapeutic qualities, but that does not mean every adolescent needs music therapy.
This water is consumed for its reputed therapeutic qualities.
Speaking today to us, on our other distant islands, Chamoiseau's stories still possess that magical therapeutic quality.
After discovering therapeutic qualities of magnetic fields especially with arthritis patients, he began to commercialize this practice.
"Gorn massage techniques are renowned for their therapeutic qualities," Spock said.
Some estimates say there are only 11,000 left in the world; all because its horn is thought to have therapeutic and aphrodisiac qualities.
It has no therapeutic qualities that I'm aware of.