Chrysalis is a private, small therapeutic boarding school for girls between the ages of 13 and 18 years old.
Medication and 18 months at a therapeutic school, where James made steady progress, turned the situation around.
Had James not gone willingly to the therapeutic school, the courts would have forced him to attend a school for delinquent children.
Their options include therapeutic boarding schools, "emotional growth" schools and residential treatment schools.
Officially described as a therapeutic boarding school, it combines a general academic college-preparatory program with individual, group and family psychotherapy.
Concerns specifically related to a specific type of residential treatment center called therapeutic boarding schools include:
As a therapeutic school, the coordination of educational and clinical plans are important.
But Mary had also put in applications to three therapeutic boarding schools, where James might start sixth grade in the fall.
A few days earlier I visited him at his therapeutic boarding school, where he introduced me to his teachers and friends.
There are subtle differences between emotional growth and therapeutic schools.