The third type of service provided is therapeutic services which are treatments meant to stop disease and maintain healthy tissues in the mouth.
Indeed it will be a sort of therapeutic, do-it-yourself social service.
During an average stay of about 25 days, they receive medical and therapeutic services intended to support their return to independent living.
Inclusion settings allow children with and without disabilities to play and interact every day, even when they are receiving therapeutic services.
The schools provide educational and therapeutic services for students ages 5 - 21 who have emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties.
Innovative educational and therapeutic services which serve as models for dissemination.
"A retainer contract is not to be promoted as a promise for more or better diagnostic and therapeutic services," the organization said.
It is a given that "most agencies are not going to provide therapeutic services" for youths who are no longer in their charge.
Apart from the diagnostic procedures, the therapeutic services include chemotherapy, surgery and palliative treatment.
They are known to provide medical and therapeutic services.