Physical therapy effectively treats 70% of back pain cases due to scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, and bad posture.
In this case, therapy for the disorder only treats symptoms and often provides excuses for the addict to continue drinking, or even drink more.
But the latest therapies to treat the virus itself are not available, and very few people could afford them if they were.
It isn't likely that one therapy will fully treat an autistic patient.
Developed promising hormone-derived therapies with potential to treat breast and prostate cancer.
Medications and therapy can treat both chronic pain and depression.
These therapies do not treat the underlying causes of Parkinson's, which are not known.
You may try other therapies, including stress management or biofeedback, to treat or prevent tension headaches.
By doing so, these therapies (which includes appropriate diet and physical exercise) effectively treat adiposopathy or "sick fat."
Aimee got the support she needed: therapy and medication to treat her depression.