There are a lot of vultures flying over the town which take advantage of the thermal currents.
High in the summer sky, a hawk glided on thermal currents, in search of field mice three hundred feet below.
The four structures protect telescopes from the wind and thermal currents.
Soaring high on the hot thermal currents of his own rhetoric, he loses track of what words actually mean.
For conductors, a significant portion of the thermal current is carried by the electrons.
They were eagles, flying together, banking and gliding on the thermal currents.
This is because these substances were carried up by thermal currents.
High above, several birds, large, black, featureless at this extreme distance, effortlessly rode the thermal currents.
It is probable that it used thermal currents as well.
Just the hand launch and thermal currents of rising air (thermals) are used to sustain the flight.