This process can require significant additional thermal input to the desorber and excessive residence time for the soil in the desorber.
The Coal Creek power station which provides the thermal input to the process began construction in 1974, becoming fully operational for electricity production in 1980.
Including the steam turbine, it has a thermal efficiency of 48% with a total thermal input of 790MW.
The thermal input from the Sun on the exterior of Rama diffuses very slowly through the outer shell and then into the interior.
Water evaporates from the surfaces of soil, water and plants because of thermal input.
Will's suit sounded a preliminary caution that thermal input was reaching the limit of the handling capacity.
The thermal and electrical inputs shown above represent the minimum amount of energy that can be supplied by electricity in order to obtain an electrolysis reaction.
Image can also be adjusted between white and black thermal input, making it easier to detect targets hiding in different temperatures.
The total thermal input is 1329 MW.
There are two primary means of achieving desalination using solar energy, through a phase change by thermal input, or in a single phase through mechanical separation.