The Panasonic and Sharp machines use a thermal process to transfer the color image.
Stencils were also made with a thermal process; an infrared method similar to that used by early photocopiers.
There had been debate on whether threshold switching was an electrical or thermal process.
It is a form of forced convection in that the flow field is created by forces beyond those associated with the thermal processes.
At the end of the thermal process, ash extraction is done through an ash door.
Refining is the removal of impurities from materials by a thermal process.
This drilling technology is based on thermal processes of rock spallation and fusion.
This only applies to certain waste streams, for example wastes from thermal processes.
This may be the least efficient thermal process, but makes sense if waste heat is available.
The crude oil goes through a thermal process called cracking by which long hydrocarbon chains are broken up into smaller fragments.