As heat is a transfer of energy: when you increase the heated surface area, you increase the efficiency of the thermal transfer.
Consumer Guide reviews fax machines of varying printing technology, from thermal transfer to high-quality inkjet and laser printer models.
Vacuum voids to halt thermal transfer.
Although it is possible to operate flow processes at a ton scale, synthetic efficiency benefits from improved thermal and mass transfer as well as mass transport.
The receiver may consist of pipes carrying fluid for thermal transfer or photovoltaic cells for direct conversion of light to electricity.
The thermal transfer is due to the self-heating on one side and the interaction between the components of the other side.
Insulative paint, or insulating paint, reduces the rate of thermal transfer through a surface to which is applied.
The proof is produced via color donors and thermal transfer (ablation) onto intermediate carriers or onto the substrate used for the print run.
For lower speed off-press applications, thermal transfer and direct thermal printers are ideal for printing variable data on labels.
Computer processor heatsinks utilize a variety of designs to promote better thermal transfer between components.