SbI has been used as a dopant in the preparation of thermoelectric materials.
This restriction was caused by the low conversion efficiency of thermoelectric materials at that time.
Right now, the current generation of thermoelectric materials is almost, but not quite, efficient enough to make economic sense.
It is a semiconductor and a thermoelectric material.
It can also be used as a thermoelectric material, in which waste energy is converted into electricity.
The thermal conductivity for the new material is below the theoretical minimum value, making the material more cost-effective in thermoelectric materials.
It also has good performance as a thermoelectric material, partly due to a low thermal conductivity.
Advances in thermoelectric materials may allow the creation of Peltier coolers that are both cheap and efficient.
LaO is an ingredient for the manufacture of piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials.
Bismuth telluride is a semiconductor and an excellent thermoelectric material.