By 1951, the Laboratory had come up with the Teller-Ulam design, and thermonuclear tests were conducted during Operation Greenhouse.
Then, in September, she departed for Eniwetok Atoll to participate in two atmospheric thermonuclear tests in Operation Ivy.
The Bikini Atomic Experiments were a series of nuclear and thermonuclear tests conducted on Bikini Atoll in the Bikini Islands.
Fangataufa was the site of France's first two-stage thermonuclear test, code named Canopus, detonated on August 24, 1968.
Canopus (also Opération Canopus in French) was the code name for France's first two-stage thermonuclear test, conducted on August 24, 1968 at Fangataufa atoll.
Yesterday in interviews, Western experts said they worried that India's thermonuclear test will not only enhance the deadliness of its missiles but prompt Pakistan, its old foe, to take similar steps.
Several explosions to test thermonuclear weapon designs, characteristics and yield boosting preceded the thermonuclear test.
It was air-dropped at Semipalatinsk Test Site, Kazakhstan, making it the first air-dropped two-stage thermonuclear test.
Eight years later, France conducted its first thermonuclear test above Fangatuafa Atoll.
Later, in the 1950s, a series of large thermonuclear tests rendered Bikini unfit for subsistence farming and fishing.