Above Church Ope Cove, on the right going down the concrete steps is an ancient reservoir behind an area of thick brambles.
The vegetation closed in with thick brambles.
Yanto had an idea The stag had stopped momentarily, its spread antlers had tangled in the thick brambles.
The walking was difficult in the thick brambles, and Royan had slipped more than once.
In case there were hunters on the island, we made camp on the southern tip (the wind was from the north) in a small clearing almost completely surrounded by thick brambles.
He ran at top speed, entangling himself in the high undergrowth, among those thick brambles and interlacing creepers, across which the guariba passed like a steeplechaser.
From where he was lying, it had only looked like thirty or forty yards, but now it seemed to be miles away, through the thickest brambles and weeds.
Harry reached the thick brambles beneath the ledge.