And the thick, bristly, olive-drab cocoon I had built for myself was frayed a little, was weakened enough to let some pale light in.
They'd rattled on the tough alloy, at first; now they only burnished a thick and growing cocoon of ice.
It curled around Conway like a thick, translucent cocoon for a moment, then transferred its attentions to Edwards.
Soon there was enough to muffle every man to the eyebrows in a thick cocoon of fabric, and all the animals as well.
Despite the thick cocoon of furs, the impact drove the breath from her body.
Simultaneously, other pieces of the mesh wrapped themselves rapidly about the missile, spinning a thick cocoon with amazing speed.
Vegetation spun a thick cocoon around the drive container, and began slowly transporting it back to theMission , passing the burden on from one mass of plants to the next.
He worked desperately, fashioning a large, thick cocoon big enough to hold two.
He found a caterpillar wrapped in its thick cocoon and, because he was not foraging and not particularly hungry, he inspected it with care.
A fog had begun to creep in, a thick cocoon hanging over the streets of the city.