The chamber was emptying, and the thick drapery seemed to be holding down the gas for now.
After all, thick draperies could perform the same service and presented no problem as to the cost, since they were the tenants' responsibility.
It screamed wildly and crashed into thick draperies hanging from the opposite wall, which is all that saved its life.
He backed her toward the bed, the thick draperies pulled open on the window that stood just beyond.
He ran to the thick draperies on one side of the balcony, leaped, and began to climb down.
Meanwhile the servants, following the orders of their mistress, were closing all the room's windows and drawing thick draperies over them.
Paul led his mother to a cushion, seated her there with her back to the thick draperies of the wall.
During storms, the heavy snowfall seems as thick as long, white drapery.
There is a minimum of thick drapery in the viewing rooms.
A wide window, covered with thick draperies, stretched across the fourth wall.