It was so named by anglers because it retracts its eyeballs and shuts its thick lower eyelids when removed from the water.
Rilla woke that morning when the dawn was beginning to break and went to her window to look out, her thick creamy eyelids heavy with sleep.
"You seem to need my trust," Jerdahn said, his thick eyelids narrowing his gaze to twin slits.
How distinct he looked, though he was beyond the light, a round-shouldered individual with a hooked nose and thick somber heavy eyelids.
The skin behind Doc's thick eyelids furrowed as he looked up at me.
A space mimic has two eyes, which are normally hidden under thick eyelids.
Her thick eyelids were half closed.
One of her thick eyelids drooped in a lazy wink.
The thick white eyelids lifted, Servilia's ironic black gaze traveled from his toes to his head.
There are no external ears, and the blue-coloured eyes are tiny with thick eyelids.