Conan saw no sign of a blade, yet could not be sure because of the thick garment muffling the intruder.
But such was not the effect on Walden that year, for she had soon got a thick new garment to take the place of the old.
However, he doubted if even an arrow could penetrate the thick garment.
The few men in attendance were shapeless in thick garments, a rime of frost over the fabric covering their mouths.
At four or five in the afternoon the mercury began to go down, and then it became necessary to change to thick garments.
They were held apart by a double layer of thick garments.
She pulled out a collection of thick, ancient garments and brought them across to press them on Hayley.
Donning the thick cold-weather garments took Riker back to a time and place he didn't really want to go.
Common soldiers wore an ample upper garment, quilted thick with cotton, coming down as far as the knee.