Walter Steiger's low, thick heels now have rounded edges and a thin coating of gold.
But a moment later, when he pounded the linoleum floor with his thick wooden heel, the crowd scurried.
It had a thick, blocky heel and squared-off toe.
His interest is expert, forensic; he can date the images, roughly, from the clothes: "Suede shoes with high, thick heels.
It has a squared-off toe, a strap high up on the instep and a thick high heel.
The shoe sits on a thick curved heel and a narrow indented platform.
The alien spun about on one thick heel and started for the exit.
To create pucks, locals cut the thick, rubber heels of army boots into a rounded shape.
Gone were the thick, solid-looking heels of fall, replaced by stilettos that only a limousine rider could love.
Her shoes have thick heels and square toes, now somewhat old-fashioned.