Henry Winter could barely find his voice, what with the cramp in his side and his lungs smothering from the thick, acidic humidity down here in the tunnels.
Florida mango season begins right now, and for mango lovers, even with the descent of inescapable heat and thick humidity, these are times of happy anticipation.
Suspicion saturated the air like thick humidity, an unwillingness to trust two turncoat humans and Serena Butler, who might have been brainwashed by Omnius.
The day began as every other this week, with temperatures in the high 80's and low 90's and with thick humidity.
Her arthritis had been bad lately and this thick humidity doubled the pain and stiffness.
It was eighty-nine degrees by eight o'clock, with thick humidity and a cloudless sky.
Playing outside in the thick humidity with heavy amplification must have taken a toll, for the orchestra's performances of those two works in the hall were somewhat careless and poorly balanced.
Most agreed it would rain good and hard by dinnertime, washing some of the thick humidity out of the ear.
Some slips in the brass playing were surely due as much to the thick humidity in the open-air shed as to carelessness.
A horrendous July heat wave swept up from the Gulf of Mexico with humidity so thick you had to fight your way through it on the streets.