The major difficulty was that thawing the thick mantle took much longer than the tentacles.
Surrounding the valves is their thick mantle called the girdle.
Colonies have a thick fleshy mantle which is covered by fine papillae.
Always dark and cool, in this valley the forest lay under a thick mantle of mist.
The streets and roofs of the houses were covered with a thick mantle of snow.
His mind kept returning to the thick mantle of mud that waited beneath him.
French onion soup, with a thick mantle of Swiss cheese, had far too much salt in its broth.
I could see a further ridge in the distance, covered with a thick mantle of snow.
These two layers are very deep within the Earth, separated from its crust by the thick mantle.
Who'd pay attention to a chubby chocolate-colored man in a particularly thick mantle?