Do you think your energy projection will build up strong enough to break down thick masonry and bronze doors?
Its thick masonry was cold like ice, whitewashed and glistening with condensation.
In small cuttings, retaining walls are a more common solution, although the thick masonry required to construct these soon becomes expensive.
They chose not to use thick masonry or cement to encase the three escape stairways in each tower but rather light sheets of gypsum.
The building's older design utilizes thick masonry and gives the building added strength, which helped the building withstand the attacks and remain structurally sound.
Walls were thick masonry, with heavy buttressing to withstand assault.
When cutting thick masonry or metal, it is best to start with a shallow cut, then make several passes, increasing the depth of the cut each time.
The basement of the surviving building is the tunnel-vaulted ground floor of the medieval tower, with massive masonry and walls 6 feet thick.
The sidewalks were masonry eighteen inches thick, sawn from the same black basalt as the rest of the castle.
"The furnace itself is a box of thick masonry, and is heated by four rows of blast burners," the book says.