Oftentimes, the branches were so thick overhead, it was impossible to tell from what direction the sun rose and set.
They found them- selves in a heavily wooded glen, the limbs of the trees grown so thick overhead that the sky was masked almost completely.
The clouds were thick overhead and pregnant with rain.
The vegetation was lush overhead, too thick to permit the direct passage of sunlight.
All was thick with life, grazing herds, wings multitudinous overhead, but no voyager had set foot there.
The path wound around through the trees which were thick overhead, blotting out the sky almost entirely.
In places where the spruce and balsam were thick overhead Billy could make out the imprints of her moccasins.
The branches themselves were so thick overhead that they rode in a kind of green twilight.
The clouds were still thick and low overhead and there was no sign yet of the Vellae cones.
Pulses from the two drones fly thick overhead.