The procedure is usually performed when the lung is covered by a thick, inelastic pleural peel restricting lung expansion.
Why does it have such a thick peel, she asked herself, if not to protect it, keep it safe from intrusion?
The Buddha's hand fruit has a thick peel and only a small amount of acidic flesh (if any) and is juiceless and sometimes seedless.
The fruits are covered by a thick peel which covers the fleshy pulp.
The Corsican citron, a citrus fruit with a thick peel.
A fruit with a thick peel, such as a citrus fruit, is called a hesperidium.
To prepare, cut off the root and the thick peel.
Its fruits are round, medium large, have a thick, pebbly peel and contain 10 to 30 seeds.
The only drawback of liking slightly unripe bananas is that the thick peel can be hard to open.
That meant he had to bite through the thick peel and tear it away with his teeth.