Without-Name spat a gobbet of thick phlegm out onto the grass.
Their skin darkened to a ghastly purple as they coughed up thicker and thicker phlegm, and in a few hours their bodies locked up as with rigor mortis.
As the irritated membrane swells and grows thicker, it narrows or shuts off the tiny airways in the lungs, resulting in coughing spells accompanied by thick phlegm and breathlessness.
Swallowing thick phlegm in a burning throat, he strode over to the gardener.
Breath as foul as a stinking marshland mist, a dribble of thick phlegm that he tried to spit out.
Hacking and spitting up lumps of thick black phlegm, Bembo wished the crew could turn the hoses on the inside of his chest.
As one of the humors, thick, cold phlegm gathered in the arteries would cause paralysis.
You can tell me-' Declan spat in Coot's face, a wad of thick phlegm that hung on his cheek like a slug.
This became the sound of his mother beckoning him; he leaned close to hear the thick phlegm blocking the back of her throat, the peculiarly chilling aqueous rattle as she died.
He cleared his throat of a thick phlegm before he repeated the name.