She assembled dozens of thick scrapbooks devoted to photographs of Keanu, articles about Keanu, and reviews of Keanu's films.
BUT perhaps most precious of all her worldly possessions were two thick scrapbooks that she'd left behind titled "Memories of Teaching."
He said "the landmark day in Woodbury Telephone Company history" was immortalized in the company's thick scrapbooks, which contain articles and pictures about the ceremony that marked the change.
Victorian children were apparently patient and fastidious enough to fill thick scrapbooks with business cards and to laboriously decoupage glass spheres with flowers and cupids.
I'll bet she has a scrapbook ten inches thick of all the newspaper articles her accusations have provoked.
Scenes and images (some blatantly symbolic) bleed together into what feels like a thick, messy scrapbook of live-action snapshots.
He also compiled thick scrapbooks of newspaper articles in German and English.
"It never occurred to me that only men were supposed to talk," she now said dryly, paging through a thick scrapbook of clippings.
When Sid came back he had a thick scrapbook in his hand.
The focus of Mr. Frenkel's reportage that season, which the author has lovingly archived in thick scrapbooks, can be summed up in one word: Nadav.