Mix well, shape into four patties 1 inch thick, and set aside.
For answer, Chet tapped his hip pocket, which bulged with the thick shape of a gun.
Then she realized that thick, black shape was shifting, its base dropping as more of the rocky lip crumbled away beneath it.
Its thick shape as well as the thickness of the head give the accented beats a low, full sound.
The wall above Carl's empty bed was brown with the thick shape of a giant bug.
But despite this appearance of age, and a thick bodied shape, she had a certain grace of movement.
A thick, shadowy shape detached itself from a tree and stepped towards them.
Geordi took in the thick, circular shape of the alien station.
I've been trying to grow them back and have them reshaped into a thicker shape.
The light danced across the surface, and below its floating oval the water shifted with thick, dark shapes.